33 Computer Tricks
Tips & Tricks
Change Startup & Shutdown SoundHere are steps for this.1). Choose the track or sound which you want to set as start-up and shutdown sound, But remember that file should be in .WAV format and size of file should not be large it should be smaller than 1 mb otherwise startup will take longer time.If yo...
Lesson 7# - Havij SQL Injection, Webs Hacking!
Group Cyber
Download Havij 1.15 at here: Click here! Havij's GUI Havij has an easy to use GUI, pictured right, which can be used to hack into a site in a matter of seconds. Havij is seen as a Script Kiddie tool, because the user does not have to follow the regular steps on SQL injection. It is still, however, a useful to...
Hacking Tool and Notes!
Choose which one you like, Bank-in Money and deliver it with in 48 hours with terms! Package 1 (RM 50) 1. AIO Facebook Hack Tool - (CD) 2. Security Auditor Operating System [Boot Disc] - (CD) 3. Backtrack 5 R1 KDE [Boot Disc] - (DVD) 4. AIO Hackers Note - (CD) 5. Networking and Computer Basic Programming (...
Lesson 9# - Cracking Wireless Password Encryption (Aircrack) 1. WEP
Group Cyber
Now we are talking about how to hack Wireless Password Encryption (WEP). There are 4 popular types of encryption such as WEP, WPA, WPA2 and WPA-PSK. Today I just show you how to hack WEP Encryption. WEP is the easy encryption to crack. Before we are begin the lesson, you must download aircrack first at...
Crazy Hacker 1 - Hacking PayPal
Group Cyber
#Note : This note are made up just for security testing only. Lets getting started! In hacking, we got many ways to hack the money from commerce site such as SQL Injection, HTML Injection, Cookies Cracker and so more! In this tutorial, i'll show you just the "key". If you making sale onlin...
Crazy Hacker 2 - Hacking Faceboook Fan Page
Group Cyber
This tutorial is just for Knowledge Only! What? Hack Facebook? Somebody could say this, "Facebook now cannot be hacked, because they already upgrade their sucerity". This sentence is just lie to you. If the Facebook cannot be hacked, then why Stylish and GreaseMonkey on Mozilla Fire...
The Metasploit Project is a computer security project that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development. Its best-known sub-project is the open source[2]Metasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing exploit...
How to hack someone with his IP address
Introduction 1. Welcome to the basic NETBIOS document created by aCId_rAIn. This document will teach you some simple things about NETBIOS, what it does, how to use it, how to hack with it, and some other simple DOS commands that will be useful to you in the future. 1. Hardware and Firmware 1a. The BIOS T...