Choose which one you like, Bank-in Money and deliver it with in 48 hours with terms!
Package 1 (RM 50)
1. AIO Facebook Hack Tool - (CD)
2. Security Auditor Operating System [Boot Disc] - (CD)
3. Backtrack 5 R1 KDE [Boot Disc] - (DVD)
4. AIO Hackers Note - (CD)
5. Networking and Computer Basic Programming (HTML, CSS, C Language, etc.) - (CD)
Package 2 (RM 50)
1. Off. Sec. Labs, Metasploit User Guide (2), Wireless Penetrating Off. Sec. . (Backtrack Hacking Notes!) - CD
2. Backtrack 5 R1 KDE - (DVD)
Package 3 (RM 100)
1. Certified Penetration Testing Specialist (CPTS) 2 DVDs - (DVD)
Package 4 (RM 150)
1. Backtrack 2 full tutorial by Off. Sec. Labs online videos! 3 DVDs - (DVD)
AIO - All-In-One
Off. Sec. - OffensivE Security, Hacking and Security Training Center (Best of The World)
-Backtrack 5 KDE can be change with another version of Backtrack 5.
-The price can be low depend on the terms and conditions!
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