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Each version "World of Warcraft" needs to collect things
Summer, together with AMAZING Gold the cheap wow gold , what would you believe? Hot beach fine sand Port? Or Tanaris obvious sea? This summer time, Let us using the "world of Wow. " Went back again over it! goldi6fd "World associated with Warcraft" 6. 2 version "Hellfire c...
Hacking Class Will Be Hare As Soon As Possible, Join Us! Give Us Your Hand And Be In A Group!
Join Us, We will train you to be a hacker, we will teach you at "How to using CMD, Telnet, FTP and the basic programming in windows without using any software! Come together with us, dont worry about safety, we will give you some tips how to be safe.. Credits to Group Cyber Admin, Nuru Dania Irdina...
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Lesson 1#- Hacking Administrator Password!
After you all have learn the cmd command, now from the command we want to hack the administrator user password. I want you all do this along tis tutorial. First, you have to make one administrator account in your computer with a password. Name the admin user as "Lesson 1" with a password &qu...
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How to make a phisher for a website
1. Intro There are couple of other phishing tutorials around here, but some people seem to have problems understanding them. So I'll try to be as simple as possible, and if you have problems understanding it, then you need to get some beginner level computer knowledge first. -This article was writte...
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Crazy Hacker 3# - How To Crack A Router For Username and Password
(I will be using Brutus to crack a D-Link route.) 1.When we want to access our router,it will be password protected.We can try the default username and password. As you can see,it is password protected. 2.I will open up my Brutus. 3.Configure Brutus.Put the target as the router's IP address.Put in...
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Crazy Hacker 2 - Hacking Faceboook Fan Page
This tutorial is just for Knowledge Only! What? Hack Facebook? Somebody could say this, "Facebook now cannot be hacked, because they already upgrade their sucerity". This sentence is just lie to you. If the Facebook cannot be hacked, then why Stylish and GreaseMonkey on Mozilla Fire...
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Crazy Hacker 1 - Hacking PayPal
#Note : This note are made up just for security testing only. Lets getting started! In hacking, we got many ways to hack the money from commerce site such as SQL Injection, HTML Injection, Cookies Cracker and so more! In this tutorial, i'll show you just the "key". If you making sale onlin...
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#The Tricks! Truth of the first hacking Facebook# - Assignment for you. You get it, then you are Winner!
As we all know, the CMD (Command Prompt) and Telnet is the best hacking tool. But, The question is "How" and "Could it hack Facebook user"?. Now, I'm will not answering botth question. But, I will just show you the "How", then you "think" it, then you "...
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Lesson 9# - Cracking Wireless Password Encryption (Aircrack) 1. WEP
Now we are talking about how to hack Wireless Password Encryption (WEP). There are 4 popular types of encryption such as WEP, WPA, WPA2 and WPA-PSK. Today I just show you how to hack WEP Encryption. WEP is the easy encryption to crack. Before we are begin the lesson, you must download aircrack first at...
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Lesson #8 - Malware (ProRat)
Malware is a big problem today. Everyday thousands of innocent people are getting infected by different types of malware. The most common types of malware today are viruses, worms and Trojans. In this chapter we will discuss all the types of malware, and give you an example of a windows trojan in use....
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Lesson 7# - Havij SQL Injection, Webs Hacking!
Download Havij 1.15 at here: Click here! Havij's GUI Havij has an easy to use GUI, pictured right, which can be used to hack into a site in a matter of seconds. Havij is seen as a Script Kiddie tool, because the user does not have to follow the regular steps on SQL injection. It is still, however, a useful to...
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Lesson #4- DDoS (Distributed-Denial-of-Service) Attack
Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks are attempts to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. These attacks are generally concerted efforts of a hacker or a group of hackers to prevent an internet site or service from functioning effectively or at all, sometimes temporarily and in...
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Lesson #6-Information Gathering/Network Hacking- 3. (Banner Grabbing)
Banner GrabbingNow that the hacker has a full list of services running on the target system, to be able to exploit them, he has to first figure out what software and version the service is. One way the hacker can get this information, is to telnet into service port. In the example below, we will use comma...
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Lesson #6-Information Gathering/Network Hacking- 2. (Port Scanning)
Port ScanningThe point of port scanning a server is to detect its open ports the port’s listening services. Once a hacker knows all the services running on your server, he could search for possible vulnerabilities they may have and exploit them to take control of your website. In the port scanning ex...
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Lesson #6-Information Gathering/Network Hacking- 1. (Footprinting)
FootprintingFootprinting is the act of gathering information about a computer system and the companies it belongs to. Footprinting is the first step hackers take in their hacking process. Footprinting is important because to hack a system the hacker must first know everything there is to know ab...
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Lesson 5#-Password Cracking 4. (Phishing Attacks)
PhishingPhishing is the process of stealing sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, and bank information, by pretending to be someone you’re not. An example of this would be if you receive and e-mail from a hacker pretending to be your bank. In this e-mail, it might tell you that you ne...
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Lesson 5#-Password Cracking 3. (Rainbow Tables)
Rainbow TablesA Rainbow table is a huge pre-computed list of hash values for every possible combination of characters. A password hash is a password that has gone through a mathematical algorithm that transformed it into something absolutely foreign. A hash is a one way encryption so once a passwo...
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Lesson 5#-Password Cracking 2. (Brute Force Attacks)
Brute-force AttacksWith time, brute-force attacks can crack any passwords. Brute-force attacks try every possible combination of letters, numbers, and special characters until the right password is found. Brute-force attacks can take a long time. The speed is determined by the speed of the co...
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Lesson 5#-Password Cracking 1. (Dictionary Attacks)
Before we get into cracking passwords with programs, I will explain a couple old-fashioned ways to obtain someone’s password. • Social Engineering – Social engineering is when a hacker takes advantage of trusting human beings to get information from them. For example, if the hacker was trying to g...
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Lesson 3#- Manually SQL injection (Using Mozilla Firefox and HackBar addon)
Salam kpd semua... Arini aku nk tutor kan hack website secare manually.. crenye agak berbelit ckit n percent utk jadi agk kurg.. cube r sendiri.. sebelum buat aper2, bukak firefox korg pastu install hackbar dulu.. follow link nih: Tekan Sini okeh?? terbaek.. Step 1: Cari website yang "Vul...
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Port 1: Port Service Multiplexer (TCP) Port 2: Management Utility (TCP/UDP) Death (TCP) Port 3: Compression Process (TCP/UDP) Port 5: Remote Job Entry (TCP/UDP) Port 7: Echo (TCP/UDP) Port 11: Systat Active Users (TCP/UDP) Port 13: Daytime (TCP/UDP) Port 17: Quote of the Day (TCP/UDP) P...
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Lesson #2- Let get statred again with TELNET
sory sory for very very late.. i m little bit busy on study... okeh.. utk y'all punye pengetahuan.. telnet ni adalah satu2nye applikasi yang boleh menyambung kan(connect) antara server korang dengan server yang laen,.. mungkin antara y'all nih yang tak tau "kowt" server tuh aper.. sen...
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Command Prompt Tutorial-Basic
Learning MS-DOS Basics - A Tutorial This tutorial gives you an opportunity to try basic MS-DOS commands. By following the procedures in this section, you will learn to: o View the contents of a directory o Change from one directory to another o Create and delete directories o Change from one drive t...
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