As we all know, the CMD (Command Prompt) and Telnet is the best hacking tool. But, The question is "How" and "Could it hack Facebook user"?.
Now, I'm will not answering botth question. But, I will just show you the "How", then you "think" it, then you "search" it, then you "do" it, lastly you "make" it.
If you "get" it, then you are the "Winner".
So, for first of all, you have to study first the "How to use CMD and Telnet". Then you will not too blur to read this "bad english grammar" tutorial.
In CMD, you have to know how to use "ping" and "nslookup" command. The "ping" is to know that the server is on or off. The "nslookup" is to know how many sub-server it have, then if a server is off, you can use the another server that list in "nslookup".
In Telnet, it has 2 method of connection, first is "GET-Method" and the second is "POST-Method". The different of these method is "GET" for receive and the "POST" for send. This two command method use after "Telnet" command launch with the "Ports".
So, what we are going to with this **** stuff? err... tuuuuutt.. let's get start with Example 1:
(In cmd)
-25% receive
-25% receive
-25% receive
-25% receive
-100% receive! At IP xx.xx.xx.xx
>telnet xx.xx.xx.xx (port)
-Connected to xx.xx.xx.xx
>post "SCRIPT1" // xx.xx.xx.xx/page1/script1
>get xx.xx.xx.xx/page1/script1
- (script1 will give the response, so the script will run and exploit the server to be vulnerable. This script also will accept any command for the next command)
>get xx.xx.xx.xx/profile.php?id=0000000000
- (And now, here the script will show the detail of the user profile)
So now, are understand how it works? First you have the script, then send it into the server. When the script run, now you will "get" the script back with the detail of the user profiles.
What is the script?
For the old stuff, I'm just using the Bacth-file programming script. It is so simple. But now, they have upgrade their server, maybe it is running perl, cgi-bin or more.