You can choose which proxy you want, the ip must be like this: xx.xx.xx.xx , there are 4 group of number, and the port musbe like this: XXXX, there just a group af number, when the ip and the prot show together it must be like this: xx.xx.xx.xx : xxxx.
Second, when you get your proxy that you are choose your proxy, you have to follow this step below:
______________________________________________Open You IE(INTERNET EXPLORER)___________________________
1. Go to the internet options
2.Click to connections
3.Go to the Lan setting
4.Select the "Use a proxy server for...."
5.Fill in the ip and the port in the box
6.Click Ok
7.Click Apply
8.Enjoy you safety hacking jobs...
This trick are helping you hide your ip... Why we have to hide ourIP?
this because when you are hacking some, using telnet, cmd, ftp, or something that are closely to hacking, the cyber security will trace your activity when your online, when you have hide your ip, theres no one can trace you.
This just a basic information, sorry for my bad english language.
nak tanya... yg kt browser mozilla ada direct connection... yg ni pun gnekan proxy ip n socks.... apps ni sme cam proxy gak akn....? tuk hide ip address... tp kan, die hide ip address komputer v4 or browser?