2. Backtack Multiboot in a Computer using Unetbootin!
Hello FriendS!! Here is the tutorial how to make your PC installed 2 OS (Operating System). (You have to download Backtrack 5 OS in ISO file first) Firts, you have to download Unetbootin Program here: CLICK ME! After Download, follow these Step: 1. Run your UnetBootin, 2. Set the dropdown menus to Bac...
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1. Running Backtrack in VM Ware Workstation 6.0.3
Welcome. For the first tutorial, i am going to show you how to run Backtrack OS on VM Ware. 1. You have to download the VM Ware Workstation and Backtrack (iso file) or Backtrack Bootable Disc. 2. After you have all these thing, you have to install the VM Ware. Then follow the nexk step. 3. Click New Virtua...
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Lets start the real work.What is IP address ?=============IP ADDRESS STANDS for internet protocol address.your ip address is d unique address on vch data r sent 2 you. ur internet service provider make hiMself sure dt datas r going 2 u bcoz he is sending data on d address specialy assigned 2 you.Getti...
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Chapter 3 : Tracing IP adress & Location of Person chatting to you
In Chapter 2, we have seen the exploiting of ip address,now we move a little forward. Be with us and read it carefully. TRACING A PERSON WHO HAS ==========================SENT U AN E-MAIL :================Open ur mail box ,open any e mail.now click on reply .now click on show original.view whole...
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Chapter 0 : Introduction to Hacking
Helllo Everyone,First of all,I would like to welcome all the new members to our page. Moreover, therez a request from our team to all the members that suggest all of your friend to this page. :)Now we are going to start which is called REAL HACKING. I will post the chapters one by one . We will move from beg...
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Chapter 1 : A bit about Hackerz
We have the introduction to this book in Chapter .Now I am gonna post my first chapter.In this chapter we are gonna discuss some definitions to make you understand what the hacker means. HACKING :========FIRST OF ALL WAT IS HACKING ? HACKING IS NOTHING BT BREACHING IN TO A COMPUTER OR IN A SYSTEM OR IN...
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Chapter 4 : Social Engineering
SOCIAL ENGINEERING===================Social enginering is a very small chapter,it is nt only related 2 internet arena bt it is also related 2 ur social nd general life.u do flirt vd a girl dt is social engineering.saying lies 2 some1 4 making ur own work succeed is also social engineering.social e...
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Chapter 5 : Changing the ip address and bypassing the firewall
Proxy is changing ur ip adress.dis chapter is totally related 2 changing ur ip address,changing ip address is very much imp. bcoz by doing it, we get many benefits.[1st]we can download multiple files 4m rapidshare[2]by dis we can bypass a firewall[3] der r many sites vch allows only one account on 1 i...
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