After you all have learn the cmd command, now from the command we want to hack the administrator user password. I want you all do this along tis tutorial.
First, you have to make one administrator account in your computer with a password. Name the admin user as "Lesson 1" with a password "hack me".
Are you done yet?
Now you have 2 account in your computer, first the user account and second is Lesson 1 administrator account. What you all to do is, login the user account, and open cmd. [ start menu>run>cmd]
Now, if the user account is an administrator you can hack it very easily by using this command:
>net user lesson 1 1234
Just this?
Yepp, just that man.
Now the lesson 1 have changed the password from "hack me" to "1234".
But there are big problem if the user account IS NOT AN ADMINISTRATOR!
In this situation, you have to make the user account as an administrator.
Now login the user account, open cmd.
Now, using the cmd program, you have to get in the system 32 directory,
>cd windows/system32
After you re acces this directory, you have to make a new directory name it as "temphack".
>mkdir temphack
So now, back up the logon.src and cmd.exe file into the temphack directory.
>copy logon.src temphack/logon.src
>copy cmd.exe temphack/cmd.exe
Now, delete the logon.src and rename the cmd.exe as "logon.src" in the system32 folder.
>del logon.src
>rename cmd.exe logon.src
Now, exit the cmd.
After all these steps, there will an "Unprotect DOS" come out, in this DOS/cmd, just type the first command.
>net user lesson 1 1234
After all, you have hack the admin password from "hack me" to "1234".
wow... i only already know about this but a difference step....
it same as first method
"net user lesson 1 1234"....
but my method
"net user lesson 1 *"
then it will prompt new password and confirm password.... *when entering the password, cursor will stay like nothing happen but actually it typing the password....