If you re an Admin o a group or page, please copy the word below and paste to you group or pages. Thank you!
Dear Mr. /Mrs.
Attention! We are kindly asked for your help to blocking someone Profile. The Profile is
The original user had been loss her password. And now the user had made another new account is Assmira Zolkifli.
How to block?
(For who are FRIENDS with the original user: Assmira Zolkifli):
1. Go to this user page: (Yudie Rudy) Http://facebook.com/yudie.rudy/
2. Click the “Gear” Button (Setting), and then click Report/Block.
3. Tick to the “Submit a report”. Then tick to “Report Yudie’s Account”.
4. Tick to “This timeline is pretending to be me or someone I know”.
5. Then tick to “Pretending to be someone I know”, then put yours friend name: Assmira Zolkifli
6. Lastly, click to submit report and block her.
(For who are NOT FRIENDS with the original user: Assmira Zolkifli):
4. Tick to “This timeline is full of inappropriate content”. Then tick to “Sexual”.
5. Click Submit Report and block her.
Thank for your help.
#8r4y H4t H4k3r5
I am Sharper
ITC - Internet Moderators
Mods Name: KA