I just format my laptop because i cannot access to the windows... there are some virus that make my program all hidden... i try using ubuntu to transfer from one place to my external, but after install windows that folder cannot open because "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect".. how i can get that file back...? can i recover my hard disk back....?
spotmau have 2 outlet.. the first one is spotmau for windows installer... it's mean, the spotmau software you can intall it in windows.. the other one is spotmau boot care.. you cannot installe it in windos, but, if you want to run it, you have to restart and boot from spotmau bootcare compact disk (cd).
download spotmau, there are 2 verisn.. fisrt is in windows installer file extension.. second in images file like .iso extension.. burn the .iso file in disk using nero burner.. then boot it..
i had tried to download spotmau bootcare, or spotmau boot suite... is it same things? and i had difficulties to download.... all link i open already remove and some of it had error link... can u lend me some help to get a suitable link...? if u can....