Pengaturcaraan C++ - Kalukulator Bulatan (C++ Programming - Circle Calculator)
Buku ini adalah manual pengaturcaraan C++ bagi membuat kalkulator Bulatan. Buku ini juga dibuat bagi memuaskan soalan daripada Open University Malaysia (OUM). Pengaturcaraan C++ - Kalukulator Bulatan (C++ Programming - Circle Calculator) from Khairi Aiman
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C++ Review
#include <iostream.h> main () {int nCode;cout << " Please Insert Your Code: \n ";cin >> nCode; if (nCode = 101)cout << "Welcome User 101 \n";else if (nCode = 202)cout << "Welcome User 202 \n";else if (nCode = 303)cout << &...
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Pengaturcaraan C++ - Permarkahan (C++ Programming - Scores)
Buku ini dibuat bagi menunjukkan penggunaan dan pengaturcaraan C++ bagi aplikasi pembahagian markah. Kertas ini juga dibuat bagi menjawab soalan pelajar Open University Malaysia (OUM) dalam bidang IT. Pengaturcaraan C++ - Permarkahan (C++ Programming - Scores) from Khairi Aiman
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Lenovo Customer Support Phone Number
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Prototaip sistem simpanan maklumat, laporan dan takwim aktiviti!
Sistem ini dibina sebagai satu contoh untuk syarikat yang mempunyai cawangan bagi memudahkan penghataran maklumat, laporan dan sebagainya. Sistem ini juga dibina berdasarkan Simple CMS yang distrukturkan oleh beberapa jenis Coding iaitu PHP, CSS dan HTML. Struktur yang digunakan dalm PHP an...
Hery Tech
Permanent Acceleration Fix
It seems that even without pointer precision disabled, the mouse under XP is still influenced by an acceleration curve. This is especially noticeable in games. To completely remove mouse acceleration from XP, you will need to go into the registry and adjust the SmoothmouseXYCurve values. Here is...
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Batch File Programming For Hacking - Corrupting The System! (1)
Greeting! How re you there baby? let getting start. Okay, first you have to know what the fuc* Batch file. Now if we are going to wikipedia and find what is Batch file.. it would said this... " In DOS, OS/2, and also Microsoft Windows, batch file is the name given to a type of script file, a text file co...
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Turbo C++ 4.5
Turbo C++ was one of the most popular integrated development environments in the 90's. If you want to have access latest version of Turbo C++, download it http://turbo-c.en.malavida.com/
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Deface A Website
emote File Inclusion (RFI): A method of uploading a shell by an off-site Icon_ charly_ link_green. Local File Inclusion (LFI) AKA Directory traversal attack: A method of pulling username s and password s off a website vulnerable to the exploit of insufficien t security validation / sanitizatio n o...
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Web Programming.....
i have a problem on how to determine user that have been logon before at other page...??? how to connect it...??? had try search it on google, but none i found...
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
aku tak belajar lagi yang ni..semester depan baru beljar.. tp apa2p0n untuk ITC members, aku cari download link untuk memudahkan korg men-download untuk kegunaan sendiri.. aku x host download link ni..so any credit bkan kpada aku, ttapi uploader ni, thank.. ;D http://www.mediafire.com/?u4...
Binary Translator, Hex...
TRANSLATOR, BINARY [ ASCII DEC / CHAR ] [ MESSAGE DIGEST / CHECK SUM ] MD2: 8350e5a3e24c153df2275c9f80692773 MD4: 31d6cfe0d16ae931b73c59d7e0c089c0 MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e CRC 8, ccitt, 16, 32 : CRYPT (form: $ MD5? $ SALT $ CRYPT): $1$puo8fe.O$WpJ1N7KiKbcEYmiYxpGQN. (form:...
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