IE: Another way to fix IE6 slow page load
Here's an easier way to get to index.dat file as addresse in another tweak submitted here. 1. click on Internet Explorer 2. go to to your root dir (usually C:) 3. open Documents and Settings folder 4. open "your username folder" 5. open UserData 6. **close IE if you have it open** rename inde...
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Fix IE 6 Slowdowns and Hangs
If Internet Explorer (IE) 6 is slowing to a crawl and/or hanging and starts to use 100 percent of CPU time it may well be a corruption of the "Temporary Internet Files folder". In particular, trying to delete Temporary Internet files via Tools, Internet Options or other privacy software s...
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Disable Debug Scripting in Internet Explorer
Don't you hate it when you are browsing a page it asks you "Would you like to debug this page?" Well here's a nifty and easy way to turn it off. Right Click on Internet Explorer and Click Properties ----- or ----- Open Internet Explorer. Click Tools | Internet Options Click The "Advance...
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Change the Browser Title
Change the Browser Title This tweak Customize the Title of the Internet Explorer. 1. Click Start > Run > Type gpedit.msc 2. Click User Configuration > Windows Setting > Internet Explorer Maintenance > Browser User Interface 3. Double click on Browser Title 4. Click on Customize Ti...
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Hack Facebook use Backtrack
Hack Facebook use Backtrack(nota ringkas) 1.backtrack>explo. tools>sosial eng>sosial eng>set 2.type= 2,3,2 3.type= http://www.facebook.com 4.open new konsole. type= ifconfig 5.cari iPadress. cth: 6.copy and paste kt url
1.) www.divxcrawler.com {download movies fastly}Username : divx273Password : 83427292.) www.butterflydownloadnetwork.com {movies, music, Pc Games, Tv shows}Username : cinemanetwork20Password : butterfly203.) www.downloadprofessional.com {movies,Pc softwares, Pc Games,...
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Learn TCP / IP
TCP/IP Tutorial TCP/IP is the communication protocol for the internet.TCP/IP defines the rule computers must follow to communicate with each other over the internet. Your Browser and Server use TCP/IP Browsers and servers use TCP/IP to connect to the Internet. A browser uses TCP/IP to acces...
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How do I enable SMTP server authentication?
Microsoft Outlook 2002 (XP) and 2003 From the Tools menu, choose "E-mail Accounts".Click in the circle beside “View or change existing e-mail accounts”. Click Next.Click on the email account you wish to modify and then click Change.Click More Settings.From the tabs along the top...
Few Funny Tricks About Google.
-Go to "www.google.com"
-type in "French Military Victories" and press "I'm feeling lucky"
-Look at the question "Did you mean:...".
-Type in adress bar "www.google.com/unclesam"
-This is a google function which search...
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Very easy HACK someone FB Account
Actually beside do the formal procedure of FB hacking via Network or Social Engineering, there is the most powerful and useful link u can use to "HACK". Simply, FB administration will HACK them for u! Step: 1. Find this LINK: 2. Click the link. 3. Tick any (Don't block - u can spamming Repor...
Ip Address Tracer Website, Best For hacking.
IP-address.com - What is my IP address and locationWhat is my IP? IP address finder, Speedtest and more.What is my IP? IP address finder, Speedtest and more.An IP address (Internet Protocol Address) is a logical address of a network adapter. The IP address is unique and identifies computers on a net...
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Web Hacking
1.0 IntroductionOne-way web hacking is a technique which relies purely on HTTP traffic to attack and penetrate web servers and application servers. This technique was formulated to demonstrate that having tight firewalls or SSL does not really matter when it comes to web application attacks. T...
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